co2 laser lublin

CO2 fractional laser - beauty with laser precision

The CO2 fractional laser is an excellent choice for patients who want to rejuvenate and regenerate their skin. It is used to effectively get rid of unwanted wrinkles, scars or stretch marks. The procedure is simple, yet extremely effective and does not require a long recovery. No wonder, then, that it is extremely popular. This method will allow you to enjoy beautiful and healthy skin.

For more information on CO2 fractional laser treatments, we asked a specialist in this field, Ms. Katarzyna Próchniak, a doctor of aesthetic medicine. 

What does the CO2 fractional laser treatment consist of?

The CO2 fractional laser stimulates the skin to enhance regeneration and reconstruction by creating a regular grid of micro-damage. This is a process that involves stimulating healthy cells in the immediate vicinity of damaged tissue to produce new collagen fibers. The result is a noticeable smoothing of the skin, as well as its tension, firmness and elasticity.

When is it a good idea to opt for the procedure?

This is determined, not by age, but by the condition of the skin. In the context of correction of various types of scars, the sooner you start laser therapy, the better the results of the treatment can be obtained. In the context of skin improvement and anti-agening effects, the initial condition of your skin is the deciding factor.

We can get the best results by combining different methods. Usually, CO2 fractional laser treatment should be performed first, followed by platelet-rich plasma or needle mesotherapy.

How many treatments should be performed?

It depends on the initial condition of the skin. Sometimes just one treatment will bring improvement, nevertheless a series of 3 treatments every 4-6 weeks is usually recommended. 

The number of treatments also determines the type of lesion with which the patient reports. If these are small discolorations or shallow wrinkles, satisfactory results are obtained after just one treatment. Repeats, however, require deep wrinkles, furrows and scars. In such cases, the effects are visible after a series of min. 3 treatments.   

How does the procedure work?

First the skin is disinfected, then anesthetized with a cream for 45-60 minutes. The next step is to wash off the anesthesia and disinfect again the skin planned to be prepared for laser therapy. The length of the laser therapy itself depends on the area to be treated, usually taking 15-30 minutes. The laser beam "punches" the skin in a tightly controlled manner, leaving an appropriate percentage of the skin undamaged, from which the regeneration process begins.

What is the recovery period after the procedure?

I recommend patients to plan a few days for themselves after the laser treatment. Especially if the procedure was performed on the face. During this time the redness and slight swelling will go away. After 2-3 days, the skin begins to peel off in small flakes. After about 7-10 days, the process is complete. It should not be accelerated by scrubbing or plucking the peeling skin. This is the period when the skin regenerates in its deeper layers. The skin has a better tone, sebum secretion is reduced, pores are less visible, and fine wrinkles and scars are also shallowed.

When can we expect the first results?

The first results are always the most anticipated. After about 2 weeks, when the epidermis peels off, the skin will be tighter and discoloration will be lighter. The production of new collagen takes 3 months, so this is the period after which we will see the full effect.

Collagen remodeling is a long-term process and reaches the deep layers of the skin. Thanks to these properties, rejuvenated and healthy-looking skin will stay with us for up to 2 years. 

 Thank you for the interview

The information contained in this article is for general information and educational purposes. They are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is recommended that you consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for advice on your specific symptoms, ailments or condition.