
We build resilience in the summer

Immunity is nothing more than the body's defensive reactions to pathogens - microorganisms, viruses and bacteria. The guardian of immunity is our immune system, responsible for protecting us by identifying and eliminating pathogens. The immune system is one of the "most intelligent" systems of the human body. It has many abilities to evaluate external and internal stimuli for their danger. It remembers, learns and selects appropriate responses to threats to the body. It constitutes our natural defense forces.

How to use summer to build a strong immune system?

This is the question we asked our specialists. In the area of dietetics, nutritionist Marzena Szwed, M.D., gave us guidance.

- Summer is a season we look forward to with longing. We think about vacations, plan trips or all sorts of pleasures. We want to forget about work and the difficulties of everyday life. Once we catch a deep breath on our longed-for vacation, let's also think about taking care of our body - preparing it for autumn and winter.

Summer abounds with a variety of the freshest fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, which will cleanse our body like a broom especially after "holiday sins." Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in complexes of vitamins and minerals much better absorbed by the body than in the form of ready-made supplements. Well, and water, because it is impossible to live without it, and our organs will work badly if there is too little of it. Let's remember that it is impossible to replace water with drinks!

Vitamins and minerals in summer

- Even in the summer, we must not forget about the sunshine vitamin.Let's provide it to ourselves in every possible way, that is, classically using sun bathing, of course, in a safe way, as well as choosing specific foods. We recommend getting a taste for sea fish, either by cooking, baking or stewing it (frying destroys vitamin D). Small amounts of this vitamin are also contained in eggs, whole milk and dairy products, vegetable oils, liver or ripened cheeses.

A mineral essential for the proper functioning of the immune system is zinc. Look for it in liver, seeds such as pumpkin or zucchini (you need to eat 150g to cover the daily requirement), red meat, dark chocolate (200g) and garlic.

The three meals should include complete protein, because it is a building material, also needed for regeneration and the production of immune bodies.

Vitamin C is also of great importance in the fight against pathogens. We will fully supply the body with it if the amount of vegetables and fruits consumed daily is 500 to 700 g. Smokers have a particularly increased need for this vitamin. It would be best to break the habit, which deprives us of immunity and carries many risks, but if this has not yet happened, then vitamin C supplementation should be considered.

Silage for immunity

When summer ends, fresh fruits and vegetables will run out. For example, will homemade preserves also have nutritional value?

- If someone has the ability and skills to do so, of course, I encourage it. They will certainly be healthier than those from the market. I recommend pickles - cucumbers, cabbage, red beets. These are natural probiotics that benefit the intestinal bacterial flora and thus have an immunizing effect.

We can easily store garlic in our pantry, which has antiseptic and antiviral properties. Children can make garlic butter, add it to oil-based sauces for salads of fresh vegetables or in the form of garlic syrup.

I also encourage you to prepare homemade tinctures to have on hand during the winter season. One worth recommending is tincture of rosemary, an herb that has been used for centuries to fight colds and flu. Rosemary has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Rosemary tincture should be used for no more than a week.

Build form in the summer

Summer gives us almost unlimited opportunities for physical activity - walking, running, swimming, cycling, skateboarding, etc. How movement affects the body's immune response is explained by physiotherapist Karolina Nowosad.

As research results show, exercise makes our immune system increase the number of macrophages and their activity. These are cells that are the first line of defense of our body. They perform the important role of engulfing antigens, damaged or abnormal cells and destroying them. In addition, it is recognized that the increase in temperature caused by muscle work, promotes the inhibition of bacterial growth. It is worth noting that the induced changes remain in the body only a few hours after the end of physical activity. Therefore, it is important to exercise regularly to extend this time.

And how does intense training affect immunity?

- It is important to remember that only regular and moderate exercise stimulates immune mechanisms. If we train too intensively, we disrupt the biological balance. Prolonged, cathartic exercises fund the body with a powerful dose of stress, increase cortisol and adrenaline levels. They reduce the activity of white blood cells. This condition is referred to as an "open window for infections." The decrease in immunity persists for up to 72h. Therefore, it is important that training is regular, moderately intense, and matched to one's capabilities.

So what is the recipe for boosting immunity?

- In nature, success is guaranteed by balance. A combination of training, a balanced diet and adequate recovery is all we need to enjoy natural immunity. Disciplines that have the character of aerobic effort of moderate intensity are perfect. Classic physical activities, such as cycling, swimming, fast walking, Nordic walking, fitness, will work great, as these disciplines are aerobic in nature and moderate in intensity. Workouts repeated 3 times a week, with a heart rate of 110 to 140 beats per minute, will reduce stress, improve mood, have a positive effect on appearance and, most importantly, make it easier to maintain a strong immune system even in autumn and early spring.

We thank the ladies for the interview.

The information contained in this article is for general information and educational purposes. They are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is recommended that you consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for advice on your specific symptoms, ailments or condition.