Elemental analysis of hair

Material: hair
Price of the study: 480 PLN
Waiting time: result after 28 working days

  • Advance appointment booking required.

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Preparation for the study


  • Hair should be washed e.g. the day before collection, not sprayed and without conditioners. If the hair is colored, wait about 4 weeks after coloring (minimum 3 cm regrowth required)
    We take hair with regrowth. If the patient has performed permanent straightening or other treatments (non-standard) then min. 3 cm of regrowth.
    Approximately 3 cm of hair is taken from the scalp from the occipital area for examination.


The patient receives the result of the examination at the registration desk at Radziwillowska Street 5.
Children can be tested after the age of 4.
Samples brought from outside are not accepted for examination.


It is a diagnostic method that evaluates the nutritional status of a person and the biochemical state of the body. It is a laboratory test that determines the composition of trace elements in the hair. In/out of the study, there is a correlation between the level of elements in the hair and internal organs.
The concentration of elements in the blood can change with emotional changes or depend on the meal consumed.
Such variability is not observed in hair analysis. With this method it is easier to treat gastrointestinal diseases (e.g. malabsorption syndrome), dermatological (hair loss and greasiness, psoriasis, eczema, ringworm, vitiligo),cardiological, neurological, osteoarticular diseases, hormonal disorders, toxic element poisoning, obesity problems.
The result includes a measurement of the content of elements in the body (including so-called heavy metals) and a description of mineral metabolism with an indication of disease tendencies, as well as dietary suggestions along with vitamin and micronutrient supplementation.
In the Elemental Analysis of Hair - Analytical Program, the most important elements constituting the structure of the human organism and the most significant proportions between them are determined. 24 bio-elements are determined: calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, chromium, lithium, strontium, nickel, manganese, selenium, vanadium, boron, barium, sulfur,silver, silicon, iodine, tin and 5 toxic elements: arsenic, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, lead.

Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)

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