ISO 9001:2015 quality certification for all branches of CM Luxmed


What does this distinction indicate?

The certificate gives formal confirmation that a company is competent to perform certain tasks. The ISO 9001:2015 standard contains a number of requirements relating to the quality management system. In order to be certified, one must meet all the requirements in the standard. The standards are defined by the International Organization for Standardization. Thanks to ISO, a universal and globally respected quality mark has been created.

For CM Luxmed, meeting all the requirements of the ISO standard is tantamount to offering the highest quality services. This applies to both the medical division: specialty clinics, diagnostic tests, patient service department, as well as processes relating to medical activities. By being marked with the certificate, Luxmed gains more trust from patients and contractors, becomes a reliable partner also in the international arena, and has greater opportunities to expand its medical services.