NFZ computed tomography

Reservation required: required

    • online booking
    • by phone 81 532 37 11
    • In person at any CM Luxmed facility.

Referral: A referral from a specialist under health insurance, issued by a specialty clinic, rehabilitation clinic, psychiatric clinic, hospital wards, ED or emergency room is required for the test. A referral from a general practitioner is not honored, the exception being a CT scan of the chest.

Age range: CT scans are performed on people over the age of 16. The CT laboratory is located in Lublin at 7 Orkana Street.

Waiting time for the result: The patient receives the test recording on a CD immediately after the test is performed, while the test description is available within 15 working days after the test is performed.

The duration of a particular examination is an approximate time and may vary from patient to patient due to, among other things, the need to administer contrast or perform additional sequences. The booked start time of the examination may therefore be subject to some delay.

Note: When booking a free examination on the National Health Fund, you will be redirected to the booking site


  • On the day of the study, please bring a referral and ID.
  • Before the test, please inform the staff at the diagnostic laboratory about: allergies, kidney failure, diabetes, hypertension, diseases such as myeloma or hyperthyroidism, and medications taken regularly.
  • Please bring the results of previous examinations of the organ in question (such as X-ray, ultrasound, CT, MR).
  • If the patient regularly takes medication, on the day of the test he should take it as usual.
  • Before registering for the examination, please read the contraindications to the service, which are described below. If contraindications are found, we recommend that you contact the referring physician for the examination.
  • Non-contrast CT examination does not require special preparation or prior TSH and creatinine tests.
  • For: contrast-enhanced CT scan, head CT scan or abdominal CT scan in addition:
    - no more than 7 days before the CT scan with contrast, the level of TSH and creatinine in the blood should be determined.
    - The last light meal should be eaten no later than 5 hours before the examination. You can drink non-carbonated water.
    - Before the abdominal CT scan with contrast, it is advisable to drink 1-2 glasses of non-carbonated water.
  • Regarding: CT examination with contrast, CT examination of the head or abdomen additionally:
    - a maximum of 7 days before the CT scan with contrast, please test TSH and creatinine blood levels.
    - the last meal should be light and eaten no later than 5 hours before the examination. The restriction does not apply to drinking still water.
    - It is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of still water before abdominal CT with contrast.
  • Please arrive for the examination 30 minutes before the booked examination time.
  • If you are being treated with Metformin, the manufacturer's recommendation is to stop taking the drug 48 hours before the contrast study and not start taking it until 48 hours afterwards.

Description of the study

Computed tomography, based on X-rays, is used to image various parts of the body. It is a popular technique used to study bone lesions, especially in delicate and small areas, such as the ears and sinuses. With this method, we can obtain images with high accuracy. Additional 3D reconstruction is often used for bone and joint examinations. 3D images in color provide more information, which facilitates accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Type of CT examinations performed:

  • Heads,
  • Bays,
  • Neck,
  • Spine,
  • Chest,
  • Abdominal,
  • Pelvis minor,
  • The osteoarticular system, including the hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, shoulder, collarbone, shoulder blade, sternum, foot, shin, knee, thigh, hip, and bony pelvis,
  • Soft tissues.


General contraindications to the study

  • Pregnancy,
  • Weight over 135 kg.

Contraindications to examination with contrast

  • Allergy to iodine (contrast agent can be administered only for vital indications),
  • In patients with an increased risk of developing a thyroid breakthrough, such as untreated hyperthyroidism, iodinated iodine shadowing agents can be administered intravascularly only for vital indications,
  • Renal failure - eGFR 45 is an absolute contraindication,
  • Acute intracerebral hemorrhage, is a relative contraindication,
  • Patients who are breastfeeding should not feed, for at least 24 hours after the test is performed.