Bacter. diagnost. of. diarrhea. in. the. direction. of. the. presence. of. intestinal. bacilli.:Salmonella,Campylobacter,. and. Yersinia

Material: Feces
Price of the study: PLN 120
Waiting time: result after 5 working days

  • Check, the hours of operation of the collection center and where booking an appointment is required.

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Preparation for the study


  • A stool sample should be collected as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms of diarrhea and before antimicrobial treatment.
    Feces in a container should be delivered to the laboratory within a few hours at ambient temperature.
    Feces collected for swabbing in transport medium up to 72 hours.


If further microbiological diagnosis is required, the time for issuing the result may be prolonged.


Fecal cultures for pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae: Salmonella, Campylobacter
and Yersinia performed in people complaining of diarrhea.

Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)

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