EEG after sleep deprivation

Date booking: Required

Referral: Not required

Age range: Patients from 3 years old.

Waiting time for the result: Description available after 5 working days of the test.

Price list



  • The test for children under 12 years of age is performed after partial sleep deprivation:
    - Children aged 3-5 years: the child should be put to sleep at a standard time (as every day). At 4:00 a.m., awaken the child and keep the child awake until the EEG test (from 04:00 a.m., the child cannot sleep).
    - Children aged 5-8 years (the child sleeps 6 hours): the child should be put to sleep the previous day at 10:00 p.m. At 4:00 a.m., awaken the child and keep the child awake until the EEG test (from 04.00 the child cannot sleep).
    - Children aged 8-12 years (the child sleeps 4 hours): the child should be put to sleep the previous day at 24.00 a.m. At 4.00 a.m. the child should be awakened and kept awake until the EEG test (from 04.00 a.m. the child cannot sleep).
  • The test for children over the age of 12 and for adults is performed after complete sleep deprivation - no sleep is allowed on the day before the test and throughout the night before the test until the test is performed.
  • In the morning on the day of the test, you should eat breakfast first, then wash your head/hair - no cosmetics (e.g. hairspray, gel, mousse, conditioner, etc.) can be used after washing your hair.
  • Before the test, it is not advisable to consume beverages containing large amounts of caffeine, high-energy drinks or alcohol.
  • Do not discontinue any ongoing drug treatment. You should bring a list of continuously taken medications and supplements (especially vitamin D) to the examination.
  • On the day of the test, you cannot drive; it is advisable to report with a companion.
  • The patient should reserve about an hour of time for the test (to prepare for the test in the office and to perform the test).

Description of the study

 EEG - is a non-invasive method of studying changes in brain potentials using an apparatus called an electroencephalograph. Electrodes connected to a bioelectric amplifier (head) are placed on the patient's scalp. The bioelectrical signal obtained is recorded in the form of various brain waves, which are analyzed. The purpose of the test is to record and interpret the bioelectrical activity of the brain.

 The study uses so-called activation methods of recording, namely photostimulation, hyperventilation and stop response. Activation methods are used to obtain additional diagnostic information.
Photostimulation (FS) involves exposure from a distance of about 20-30 cm from the subject's eyes to a variable, rhythmic stroboscopic stimulus. Hyperventilation (Hv) involves taking deep breaths for 3 minutes, while the stop response (O-Z) is the opening and then closing of the eyes for several seconds.

 The examination facilitates the differentiation of functional and organic brain disorders. In many brain disorders, the examination allows localization of the disease process in a specific area. The examination is particularly important in patients with epileptic seizures, in the course of encephalitis, after cranial trauma and in the differentiation of coma. The test is an auxiliary method in the evaluation of patients with brain tumors and vascular brain damage (after cerebral strokes). EEG examination of the head makes it possible to examine various complaints of neurological or mental origin.

Normally, the examination is performed in the supine position (if so indicated the examination is performed in the sitting position).
The examination is painless and non-invasive.


  • Epilepsy (diagnosis, monitoring of treatment, decision-making on drug withdrawal),
  • Loss of consciousness, fainting,
  • disorders of consciousness,
  • headaches, migraine,
  • cranial injuries,
  • brain tumors,
  • cerebrovascular diseases and their consequences,
  • Meningitis and encephalitis,
  • disorders of consciousness,
  • entangled states,
  • Differentiating functional and organic brain disorders,
  • Sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night, nightmares, sleep apnea),
  • Disorders of children's psychomotor development,
  • emotional disorders,
  • attention deficit disorder,
  • Disorders of cognitive functions and learning processes (school difficulties),
  • anxiety,
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
  • Psychomotor development delay,
  • in serial EEG studies facilitates dynamic assessment of disease symptoms.


  • sutures on the head (the test can be performed one week after the removal of the sutures).