EMG- 1 nerve (median nerve, ulnar nerve or other)
Date booking: Required
Referral: Required
Age range: Depends on the doctor - please check the doctor's business card for details
Waiting time for the result: Result available immediately after the test.
Price list
EMG- 1 nerve (median nerve, ulnar nerve or other)150zł | e-Rezerwacja »
- On the day of the test, you should not take painkillers.
- Bring with you the results of imaging, neurophysiological, laboratory tests performed so far, if any.
Description of the study
EMG electromyography is the study of neuromuscular connections in neurological and orthopedic disorders. Electroneurography (ENG) is the prelude to EMG testing. The ENG test is performed to determine if there is damage to the peripheral nerve(s) of the arms or legs in case of pain, weakness, burning or tingling sensations. The test also determines where the nerve(s) are damaged. Complementing the ENG examination is an EMG study. The EMG also examines the muscles if their disease is suspected, usually manifested by pain, weakness, muscle atrophy.
During ENG - electrodes are applied to the skin. Sometimes it is necessary to perform the test with a disposable needle. During EMG, a needle electrode is inserted into the patient's body in the area of the nerve under study, which records muscle function during rest, any movement and maximal effort.
- implanted electric pacemaker,
- Metal components in the heart (such as an artificial valve),
- Metal components in the body area under examination, such as endoprostheses.