Endometriosis-EndoRNA-genetic testing

Material: Other
Price of the study: 2100 PLN
Waiting time: result after 15 working days

  • Advance appointment booking required by calling 81 532 37 11.

Luxmed collection points

Preparation for the study


Samples brought from outside are not accepted for testing.


Endo RNA testing is useful in diagnosing patients with suspected endometriosis.
The result of the test allows to exclude or confirm the disease.
Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the presence of tissues resembling endometrial structures outside the uterine cavity.These structures are secretory active and respond to hormonal changes occurring during the menstrual cycle causing a chronic inflammatory response in the body.
The disease is manifested by recurrent pain occurring around the menstrual period, and can also be continuous pain, pain in the sacral region, soreness during intercourse, urination or bowel movements. The pain is often very severe and impedes daily activities. According to WHO data, as many as 3 million women in Poland may suffer from this disease.
Because of the many symptoms of the disease, often atypical, endometriosis is difficult to diagnose, and if left untreated a can lead to infertility.

Endo RNA is a genetic test performed by qRT- PCR technique. The test detects the expression of the gene encoding the enzyme fucosyltransferase 4 (FUT4). This enzyme is involved in the fucosylation of
proteins, particularly in the biosynthesis of 1,3-fucosylated glycans. Studies have shown that protein glycosylation is involved in many pathological as well as physiological processes. Elevated expression levels of the FUT4 gene may be indicative of endometriosis.
The test is minimally invasive for patients, involving the collection of endometrium by biopsy
aspiration during the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle.

Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)

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