
Material: Blood
Study price: PLN 15.00
Waiting time for the result: result no later than the next working day

  • Check, the hours of operation of the collection center and where booking an appointment is required.

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Preparation for the study


  • The test material is blood.
  • About 30 minutes before the test, it is recommended to consume water or bitter (unsweetened) tea.
  • The patient must be fasting. On the day before the test, it is recommended to have an easily digestible,
    low-fat diet and refraining from intense exercise and stimulants.
  • On the day of blood sampling for the test, do not drink natural coffee or smoke nicotine, it is recommended to drink about 0.5 liters of water.
    Before taking blood, 15-20 minutes of rest is recommended.

Detailed for infants

  • For children under 3 years of age, it is recommended to draw blood from half to one hour after feeding.


Fibrinogen is synthesized in the liver and is involved in clot formation.

Increased values of fibrinogen: menstruation, pregnancy, nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, hemolytic uremic syndrome, acute febrile states, infectious diseases, major surgery, trauma, collagenoses (lupus erythematosus, perivascular nodular inflammation), nocturnal paroxysmal hemoglobinuria, cancer, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, risk factor for ischemic heart disease.

Reduced values: congenital fibrinogen deficiency, liver disease, DIC, posthemorrhagic fibrinolytic diathesis, acute promyelocytic leukemia, cancer, infectious mononucleosis.

Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)

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