Gardia lamblia IgM antibodies
Study price: 68.00 PLN
Waiting time: result after 7 working days
- Check, the hours of operation of the collection center and where booking an appointment is required.
Preparation for the study
- The test material is blood.
- The patient does not need to be fasting.About 30 minutes before the test, it is advisable to drink a glass of water or bitter(unsweetened) tea.
Giardia causes many intestinal symptoms, acute or chronic, including diarrhea, bloating, gas, oily stools with a tendency to float, stomach cramps, indigestion or nausea. These symptoms can lead to weight loss and dehydration. In some people with Gardiosis, the aforementioned symptoms do not occur, although cysts are excreted as in cases with Giardiasis symptoms.
Giardiasis symptoms usually appear 1-2 weeks after infection and can last 2 to 6 weeks.
Giardia is essentially an intestinal pathogen, but causes both systemic and local immune reactions.
Recent studies have shown that antibodies directed against Giardia lamblia (IgM and IgG) are present in the serum of about 86% of infected patients.
Determination of human antibodies directed against Giardia can be helpful in diagnosis and understanding the state of the patient's immune response.
Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)