ECG Holter
Referral: Not required
Age range: Patients from 2 years old.
Result waiting time: Result to be received up to 7 working days after the Holter is taken.
Price list
ECG Holter
ECG Holter
ECG Holter
ECG Holter
ECG Holter
ECG Holter
- Do not lubricate the skin with creams, ointments before the test - the skin should be clean, dry and degreased.
- The device must not be wet or removed from its case.
- Loose-fitting clothing is recommended; the camera can be clipped to the waistband of the pants or worn on a strap hung around the neck.
- The use of cell phones and other electronic devices should be limited during the test, as they can cause artifacts, or interference, in the ECG recording.
Description of the study
The electrodes are placed on the chest, and the cables from them are connected to a small, portable device that records the ECG. The patient is fitted with a special device weighing about 0.5 kg, which is worn on a belt. The recorder is not removed during sleep. After the test is completed, the doctor analyzes the test recording. During the test, the patient should not restrict daily physical activity. Heart function should be recorded during a normal day (work, daily household activities, active rest, sleep).
The test is not performed to assess heart function during extreme exertion, such as intense exercise.
Holter examination is a non-invasive test, that is, it does not violate body tissues. It is a painless examination and carries no risks.
- circulatory insufficiency,
- cardiac arrhythmias,
- post-heart attack condition.
- Occasional skin diseases that prevent electrodes from sticking.