HPV from liquid medium (14 genotypes) + LBC liquid cytology

Material: swab
Price of the study: PLN 215
Waiting time: result after 16 working days

  • Advance appointment booking required.

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Preparation for the study


  • The collected material must be accompanied by a form:
    Consent for HPV genetic testing from liquid cytology (downloadable at www.luxmedlublin.pl - For the Patient - Patient Essentials - Downloadable forms).
  • Moisturizers, intimate hygiene products, contraceptive gels (with the exception of a gel called Advantage - S 庐 Bioadhesive Contraceptive Gel) do not interfere with the test.

Detailed for women

  • The test should not be performed:
    - during menstruation,
    - during treatment with antibiotics,
    - during treatment with vaginal preparations (globules, creams),
    - when irrigations are used,
    - within 48 hours after the last sexual intercourse.
    On the day of the test, the genital area should be washed without using soap or intimate hygiene gels.
    If treatment has been used, a 3-5 day break is recommended between the end of treatment
    and the performance of the test.
  • The test is best performed at least 4 days after the last menstrual period and no later than 4 days before the start of menstruation. Do not use vaginal medications for at least 4 days before the test. At least 1 day should have elapsed since the last gynecological /USG transvaginal examination.


Samples brought from outside are not accepted for testing.


The test is designed to detect the presence of DNA of highly oncogenic HPV types. It is performed by polymerase chain reaction( PCR) in real time( Rael Time PCR).
The test detects the DNA of HPV types 16 and 18,as well as 12 genotypes from the group with high oncogenic potential, viz: 31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66,68, without genotyping them.
HPV (from Human Papillomavirus) is a human papillomavirus that plays a very important role in the formation of many diseases. In most cases it is the cause of benign pathologies, however, some genotypes cause neoplastic transformation associated with the formation of cancer and precancerous conditions. A particularly important role HPV plays in the development of cervical cancer in women.
Epidemiological data indicate that cervical cancer is the second most common malignancy in women.
Statistics show that about 75% of sexually active women become infected with HPV at some stage in their lives. In 80% of cases, the virus usually resolves spontaneously after a few months, but the chronic form affects 20% of women. Among this group, persistent infection caused by HPV, increases the risk of cervical cancer by almost 7 times. Cervical cancer mainly affects women between the ages of 40 and 60, although it can also occur much earlier. Therefore, every woman between the ages of 15 and 64 should undergo an examination. . In countries where widespread screening systems aimed at detecting HPV infection and detecting cervical cancer have been implemented, mortality from cervical cancer has fallen by several tens of percent.
Frequent cytological examination is a simple and effective screening method, but it does not detect all cases of cervical cancer and especially pre-cancerous conditions, nor does it detect HPV infection itself, which raises the possibility of early prevention.
Pathologies caused by the human Papilloma virus are:
- skin lesions ( warts, ungualsquamous cell carcinoma )
- lesions located on mucous membranes ( warts in the respiratory tract, laryngeal papillomatosis, laryngeal cancer, conjunctival cancer, oral cavity cancer, esophageal cancer )
- genital and anal lesions ( condylomas, Bowen's disease, intraepithelialoplasia, vulvar cancer, vaginal cancer, cervical cancer, anal cancer).
Early and accurate identification of HPV (both high- and low-oncogenic types) enables proper treatment and prevention of the disease. Infection with any of the high-oncogenic types of HPV poses a high risk of cancer.

Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)

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