Karyotype in lymphocytes by classical method

Material: Blood
Study price: 500.00 PLN
Waiting time: result after 30 working days

  • Advance appointment booking required by calling 81 532 37 11.

Preparation for the study


  • The test material is blood.
  • The patient does not need to be fasting.About 30 minutes before the test, it is advisable to drink a glass of water or bitter(unsweetened) tea.


Samples brought from outside are not accepted for testing.


Karyotype test is to determine the number and structure of chromosomes obtained from dividing lymphocytes by microscopic analysis.

The test should be performed:

1. Persons with a family history of genetic diseases or suspected genetic disease (in newborns).
2. Couples who have had reproductive failures - 3 or more spontaneous miscarriages in the first trimester of pregnancy
3. Couples diagnosed with partner infertility of unknown cause
4. Persons diagnosed with abnormal structure of external genitalia
5. Persons diagnosed with hermaphroditism or lack of pubertal characteristics
6. Women diagnosed with primary or secondary amenorrhea of unknown cause .

Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)

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