Computerized visual field examination
Date booking: Required
Referral: Indicated, but not absolutely required.
Age range:
At 6A Zwycieska St., test performed for Patients over 7 years old who can cooperate with the person performing the test.
At 4D Concert St., test performed for Patients over 18 years old.
Waiting time for the result: Result available immediately after the test.
Price list
Computerized visual field examination
Computerized visual field examination
- You should bring your glasses (if the Patient uses them) with you for the test.
- If the patient uses lenses, he or she should wear them for the examination, unless otherwise instructed by the referring physician.
- Do not perform a computerized visual field after an eye exam with pupil-dilating drugs.
- The test requires a very high level of attention and concentration on the part of the Patient. The visual field is determined based on the Patient's reaction to the visual stimuli seen in the device, which the Patient marks by pressing the reaction button each time.
- The patient remains motionless during the examination, staring at a single point. In the case of neurological conditions involving involuntary body movements, tremors, it may be difficult or impossible to obtain an authoritative result.
- The length of the examination depends on the patient's cooperation and reaction time. The patient is carefully instructed on the course of the examination by the examiner.
Description of the study
During the computerized visual field examination, the patient signals the presence of wandering light points on the perimeter canopy by clicking the reaction button. The result obtained in the form of a computer printout indicates the presence of any defects in the visual field. Computer examination of the visual field is a test that allows to assess the progression of the disease in the case of glaucoma, and is also a test that helps in the diagnosis of many neurological conditions. The duration is adapted to the needs of the patient and the patient's reaction time to the visual stimuli seen - the average time is about 20 minutes.