Measles (Morbilli virus) IgM
Study price: 40 PLN
Waiting time: result after 10 working days
- Check, the hours of operation of the collection center and where booking an appointment is required.
Preparation for the study
- The test material is blood.
- The patient does not need to be fasting.
The measles virus causes an acute, febrile illness that occurs mainly in childhood and is highly contagious. Today, measles is becoming less common due to the use of protective vaccines.
People infected with measles virus show a wide range of clinical symptoms - from mild, self-limiting infection to death.Measles virus infections are characterized by an incubation period of up to 10 days and flu-like symptoms with fever, malaise, upper respiratory tract catarrh, cough, congestion and conjunctivitis. Shortly thereafter, a typical rash appears, first near the ears, then on the forehead and face and the rest of the body.Following measles virus infection, complications can arise in the form of secondary bacterial pneumonia, otitis media (about 1%), encephalitis (about 1%), myocarditis, miscarriages and a condition called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE). In addition, persistent infection of the areola is a factor in the etiology of otosclerosis. SSPE is a progressive, mostly fatal brain damage caused by chronic measles virus infection. It appears 7 to 10 years after infection and leads to death within three years of the onset of symptoms. Patients experience behavioral changes, cognitive decline, and have vision problems. Advanced neurological symptoms may also appear, such as severe spasms and eventually severe physical and mental weakness leading to death. Antibodies to the measles virus are found in the serum of almost all patients during and after infection. IgM class antibodies appear immediately after the onset of symptoms, and their presence can be confirmed by ELISA or indirect immunofluorescence test (IIFT). In 50% of patients, IgM appear within three days, and in more than 90% within 10 days - after the rash appears. The measles anti-virus ELISA (IgM) is a faster and more sensitive test for the diagnosis of measles - compared to other available tests. Anti-measles virus antibodies of the IgG and IgM classes are a reliable marker for detecting measles virus infection.
In view of the serious complications that can occur after measles, vaccination is recommended. It is among the mandatory (free) vaccinations administered in Poland at 13-14 months of age and 10 years of age. The effectiveness of the vaccination after 2 doses of the vaccine is 98%, it is maintained for life. After vaccination, neutralizing activity and persistence of antibodies is developed, usually for life.
The level of antibodies in the serum of people vaccinated against measles virus is 8 to 10 times lower than in those who have contracted measles. Passive immunization, containing specific concentrated immunoglobulins, is usually administered to seronegative individuals with reduced immune system activity (patients with treated cancer or after transplants) and also to seronegative pregnant women who have been in contact with the virus.
Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)