Stool culture

Material: Feces
Study price: 45.00 PLN
Waiting time for the result: result after 3 working days

  • We perform the test without prior reservation. Check the working hours of the collection center

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Preparation for the study


  • The material should be placed in a sterile sealed container and delivered to the collection center on the same day(preferably within 4 hours).
  • The test material can also be a rectal swab.
  • The test material is a fresh stool sample (the size of a hazelnut)along with fragments with visible blood, mucus or pus (if present in the stool).
  • Take the sample before starting antibiotic therapy. A control test is performed as standard 7-10 days after the end of antibiotic therapy.


An antibiogram is also performed as part of the culture. If the bacteria constitute a natural bacterial flora, not forming the basis for an antibiogram, then it is not performed.
Antibiogram is performed when we get an increase in pathogenic bacteria (responsible for the infection)-where there is an inflammatory process or on the express order of the doctor to perform a culture despite the physiological flora.

Stool cultures are also performed for Salmonella.

If further microbiological diagnosis is required, the time for issuing the result may be prolonged.


The test is performed to identify and quantify the bacteria and fungi present in the feces.
As part of the fecal culture, a culture for Salmonella is also performed.

Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)

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