Skin cultures
Material: swab
Study price: PLN 39.00
Waiting time for the result: result after 3 working days
Study price: PLN 39.00
Waiting time for the result: result after 3 working days
- Material from the cervical canal, urethra, rectum is taken in the gynecology office by a midwife after booking an appointment. To make an appointment for the examination, please call us at 81-532-37-11
- Check, the hours of operation of the collection center and where booking an appointment is required.
Preparation for the study
- The material should be taken before the first dose of antibiotic.
- The culture is performed for aerobic bacteria.
An antibiogram is also performed as part of the culture. If the bacteria constitute a natural bacterial flora, not forming the basis for an antibiogram, then it is not performed.
Antibiogram is performed when we get the growth of pathogenic bacteria (responsible for the infection)-where the inflammatory process is going on.
Antibiogram is performed when we get the growth of pathogenic bacteria (responsible for the infection)-where the inflammatory process is going on.
If further microbiological diagnosis is required, the time for issuing the result may be prolonged.
It is possible to analyze a swab brought from outside, provided that the material was taken by a doctor/medical staff. We do not accept material taken independently by the patient.
The purpose of the study is to isolate the aerobic bacteria/pathogenic fungi responsible for the inflammatory process taking place at the collection site.
Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)
Skin culture, Culture, drug resistance, drug susceptibility, antibiogram, antibiotic susceptibility, mycogram (applies to candida), bacteriological culture.