Material: Blood
Study price: PLN 50.00
Waiting time: result after 5 working days

  • We perform the test without prior reservation. Check the working hours of the collection center

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Preparation for the study


  • The test material is blood.
  • The patient does not need to be fasting.About 30 minutes before the test, it is advisable to drink a glass of water or bitter(unsweetened) tea.


Rheumatoid factor RF is an autoantibody that is most commonly found in the IgM class (85%), but can also be found in IgG, IgA, IgE classes , but RF in classes other than IgM has no diagnostic significance.

In many cases, it serves as a marker of autoimmune processes going on in the body.

Elevated RF IgM values are found in:
- rheumatoid arthritis (RA),
- systemic lupus erythematosus,
- Sjögren's Syndrome,
- polymyositis and dermatomyositis,
- systemic scleroderma,
- chronic lung diseases,
- cancer,
- endocarditis,
- tuberculosis, syphilis, sarcoidosis, viral infections,
- liver disease, kidney disease.

Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)

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