Breast ultrasound

Date booking: Required

Referral: Not required

Age range: Depends on the doctor - please check the doctor's business card for details

Waiting time for the result: Result available immediately after the test.

Price list








  • The test can be performed on any day of the menstrual cycle, the preferred time is between the 1st and 10th day of the cycle.
  • It is recommended to provide the doctor with descriptions of previous examinations, including mammography (if performed). The results are helpful for comparison purposes, as well as to locate and accurately diagnose any changes detected in previous examinations.

Description of the study

Ultrasound is a non-invasive method of detecting pathological changes in organs. The examination is performed in patients of all ages, is painless, and can be repeated many times without exposing the patient to harmful radiation.
During the examination, the doctor moves the head over the skin of the breast, and then examines the area of the armpit pits (thus assessing the condition of the lymph nodes under the arms). With the help of the examination, the doctor sees what the structure of the breasts is, assesses their condition and any changes.


  • changes in the breast glands of the nature of nodules detected during palpation,
  • Diagnosis of lesions detected during mammography,
  • Detection, localization and determination of the size and nature (solid or cystic) of the breast lesion.