Treponema pallidum - screening test

Material: Blood
Study price: PLN 22.00
Waiting time for the result: result no later than the next working day

  • Check, the hours of operation of the collection center and where booking an appointment is required.

Luxmed collection points Go to store

Preparation for the study


  • The test material is blood.
  • The patient does not need to be fasting.About 30 minutes before the test, it is advisable to drink a glass of water or bitter(unsweetened) tea.


Samples brought from outside (applies to individual patients) are not accepted for the test.
Consumption of a meal does not directly affect the result, but may cause serum lipemia, which may interfere with the test,so it is recommended to take blood 1-2 hours after the last meal


WR testing performed at the request of the patient or often at admission to work, before going to the sanatorium, during hospitalization.

Abnormal values of WR: may indicate
of recent or past syphilis infection.

In some systemic diseases - false positives may occur.
The test is intended for use as an aid in diagnosing syphilis infection
and as a screening test to prevent Treponema pallidum infection
recipients of blood, blood components, cells, tissues and organs.

Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)

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