VNG baseline study (static) with calorimetry

Date booking: Required

Referral: Referral from ENT, audiologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist or family doctor/internist required

Age range: Patients from 7 years old.

Waiting time for the result: The result is available 7 working days after the test is performed.

Price list



  • The patient should not take medications that affect the central nervous system (e.g., sedatives, some medications used to treat dizziness) for 48 h before the test.
  • The day before the test, you should not drink alcohol.
  • The test should be attended at least 4 hours after a meal, as irritation of the vagus during the VNG test triggers symptoms such as dizziness, nystagmus, nausea and sometimes vomiting.
  • Women should not have painted eyes (especially eyelashes).
  • The result is available 7 working days after the test.

Description of the study

A VNG-type study evaluates the most important parameters of nystagmus - an objective symptom associated with dizziness. The test consists in observing, with the help of a video camera placed in goggles, spontaneous nystagmus. Its speed, direction, form, amplitude and intensity are evaluated. Based on this data, damage to parts of the balance system of the peripheral or central type can be assessed. The occurrence of spontaneous nystagmus is significant when performing other VNG tests.
Registration of spontaneous nystagmus is performed in various situations: spontaneous nystagmus, gaze nystagmus, positional nystagmus during repositioning, fixation nystagmus.

The test consists of stimulating the bilateral vagus (lateral semicircular canals) with irrigation into the ear canal with cold and warm air, and then observing the occurring nystagmus with video-camera goggles, especially the symmetry after bilateral stimulation, as well as the activity and duration. The test evaluates each vagus separately. It is a test induced by a non-physiological stimulus.