
Date booking: Required

Referral: Not required

Age range: Depends on the doctor - please check the doctor's business card for details

Waiting time for the result: Result available immediately after the test.

Price list




  • The area of skin to be tested must be clean- free of makeup and other cosmetic products.
  • Before the test, prepare information on the history of cancer in the immediate family, especially the occurrence of skin cancer.
  • The patient should know the answer to questions about when the nevi appeared on the skin, as well as their rate of growth, change in color and other complaints.

Description of the study

Videodermatoscopy is a diagnostic method that involves analyzing selected nevi under very high magnification. The examination is performed with a device called a videodermatoscope, which is equipped with a digital camera that allows recording the image on a computer monitor. The examination allows, among other things:

  • detecting cancerous lesions at a very early stage,
  • long-term photo-documentation of nevi and skin diseases,
  • Assigning a change to a specific location on the body,
  • Monitoring the evolution of pigmented lesions,
  • scalp/hair examination.

The test can be performed at any time of the year.

Course of the examination The examination begins with a medical interview. Then the doctor applies the head of the videodermatoscope to the lesions on the patient's skin. The image in high magnification appears on the computer screen, which allows a thorough analysis of nevi. The examination is painless and completely non-invasive. The patient receives the result in the form of a detailed report with photos and information on further management.

Post-treatment recommendations

The examination is completely non-invasive and after the test you can return to your daily activities. Detailed information on further management, such as the decision to remove the lesion or the date of the follow-up examination, is provided to the patient during the visit.


  • sudden appearance of nevi,
  • Moles that grow rapidly, bleed, peel or itch,
  • Moles that have a non-uniform color and irregular edges,
  • Prophylactically in case a close family member is diagnosed with skin cancer,
  • For people with very light complexions who are easily sunburned,
  • In the prevention of skin cancer and melanoma, it is recommended to perform the examination once a year.


  • There are no contraindications to the procedure; the test can be performed during pregnancy and lactation.