Dermatologist Krasnik

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What does a visit to a dermatologist in Krasnik look like?

In Krasnik, patients with skin problems of various etiologies, including those affecting the scalp and nails, visit a dermatologist. At the beginning of the consultation, the doctor conducts a detailed history, asks: when the disturbing changes appeared, whether the patient suffers from chronic diseases and what medications he takes. Then the dermatologist performs diagnostic tests, which, combined with the medical history, are the basis for a correct diagnosis. If necessary, the doctor may perform a dermatoscopy. He will make recommendations for further treatment and answer the patient's questions.

What does a dermatologist in Krasnik do?

Patients with skin problems of various backgrounds visit a dermatologist in Krasnik:

  • persistent lesions on the skin, often inflammatory,
  • Allergies, i.e. hives, itching, redness, swelling,
  • Mycoses of the skin, scalp and nails,
  • Acne, seborrheic dermatitis,
  • Moles, hemangiomas, skin cancers,
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

If warranted, the dermatologist will recommend additional skin care or cosmetic treatments to help achieve a long-lasting treatment effect.

Dermatologist Krasnik - CM Luxmed