Vaccination - Hepatitis

Hepatitis A - not available. Expected return date April 2025.

To get vaccinated, book an appointment for a medical qualification.
The qualification is valid for 24 hours from the time it is issued.
For information on the vaccines used and to book an appointment, call 81 532 37 11 or register directly.

  • Indications for use:
    The vaccine is used for active immunization against hepatitis A (Hepatitis A) in adolescents 16 years of age and older and in adults.
  • Age indications:
    - adolescents aged 16 and older,
    - adults.
  • Vaccination cycle:
    2 doses: 0 - (6-12) months.
    Required qualification before each dose.
  • Vaccination price (one dose): 230 PLN

Hepatitis A adults

To get vaccinated, book an appointment for a medical qualification.
The qualification is valid for 24 hours from the time it is issued.
For information on the vaccines used and to book an appointment, call 81 532 37 11 or register directly.

  • Indications for use:
    The vaccine is used to provide active immunity against hepatitis A (HAV) in people exposed to HAV infection.
  • People who are especially recommended to be vaccinated:
    - travelers: people going to areas with a high incidence of hepatitis A: Africa, Asia, Mediterranean countries, the Middle East, Central and South America,
    - members of the Armed Forces: due to the increased risk of infection, active immunization is advisable for military personnel traveling to endemic or low-hygiene areas,
    - persons at increased risk for HAV infection due to occupational exposure
    - outpatient workers, nurses, medical staff and support staff of hospitals and other health care facilities, especially gastroenterology and pediatric wards, employees of the city cleaning plant, people directly involved in food production and distribution,
    - people with hemophilia,
    - people exposed to frequent injections,
    - people who frequently change sexual partners,
    - people in contact with infected people - due to the prolonged infectious period of infected people, active immunization of people in contact with them is recommended,
    - people with or at risk of chronic liver disease: e.g. chronic carriers of HBV and HCV and alcohol abusers. Hepatitis A worsens the sequelae of chronic liver disease,
    - residents of hepatitis A epidemic areas.
  • Age indications:
    Over 18 years of age.
  • Vaccination cycle:
    0 - (6-12) months - the second dose should be taken six to twelve months after the first.
    Required qualification before each dose.
  • Duration of immunity:
    For life.
  • Vaccination price (one dose): 250zl

Hepatitis A children

To get vaccinated, book an appointment for a medical qualification.
The qualification is valid for 24 hours from the time it is issued.
For information on the vaccines used and to book an appointment, call 81 532 37 11 or register directly.

The vaccine is directed against hepatitis A (hepatitis A). It is dosed for children and adolescents.

  • Indications for use:
    The vaccine is used for active immunity against hepatitis A in people exposed to HAV.
  • People who are especially recommended to be vaccinated:
    - travelers: people going to areas with a high incidence of hepatitis A: Africa, Asia, Mediterranean countries, the Middle East, Central and South America,
    - members of the Armed Forces - due to the increased risk of infection, active immunization is advisable for servicemen traveling to endemic areas or areas with low levels of hygiene,
    - persons at increased risk for HAV infection due to occupational exposure - employees of outpatient clinics, nurses, medical staff and support staff of hospitals and other health care facilities, especially gastroenterology and pediatric wards, employees of the city cleaning plant, people directly involved in food production and distribution,
    - people with hemophilia,
    - people exposed to frequent injections,
    - people who frequently change sexual partners,
    - people in contact with infected people - due to the prolonged infectious period of infected people, active immunization of people in contact with them is recommended,
    - people with or at risk of chronic liver disease: e.g. chronic carriers of HBV and HCV and alcohol abusers. Hepatitis A worsens the sequelae of chronic liver disease,
    - residents of hepatitis A epidemic areas.
  • Age indications:
    Over 1 year old to 18 years old.
  • Vaccination cycle:
    0 - (6-12) months - the second dose should be taken six to twelve months after the first.
    Required qualification before each dose.
  • Duration of immunity:
    For life.
  • Vaccination price (one dose): 170zł

Hepatitis A+B - not available. Anticipated return date March 2025.

To get vaccinated, book an appointment for a medical qualification.
The qualification is valid for 24 hours from the time it is issued.
For information on the vaccines used and to book an appointment, call 81 532 37 11 or register directly.

Combination vaccine against hepatitis A and B, in the form of a suspension for intramuscular injection.

  • Indications for use:
    The vaccine is used to vaccinate adults and adolescents 16 years of age and older, inclusive, at risk of hepatitis A and B virus infection.
  • People who are especially recommended to be vaccinated:
    Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccine indications.
  • Age indications:
    Over 15 years of age.
  • Vaccination cycle:
    0 - 1 - 6 months (the second dose should be taken one month after the first, the third 6 months after the first).
    Accelerated cycle over 15 years of age: 0 - 7 days - 21 days - 12 months.
    Required qualification before each dose.
  • Duration of immunity:
    For life.
  • Vaccination price (one dose): 250zl


To get vaccinated, book an appointment for a medical qualification.
The qualification is valid for 24 hours from the time it is issued.
For information on the vaccines used and to book an appointment, call 81 532 37 11 or register directly.

Hepatitis B vaccine in persons 16 years of age and older.

  • Indications for use:
    The vaccine is intended for non-immunized individuals to obtain immunization against infections caused by all known hepatitis B virus (HBV) subtypes. The groups of people who should be vaccinated are determined by local guidelines. Vaccination should also be expected to prevent hepatitis D, caused by HDV, since hepatitis D occurs simultaneously with hepatitis B (Hepatitis B).
  • Persons to whom vaccination is especially recommended:
    - medical personnel,
    - staff and chronically ill patients in closed health care facilities,
    - people with chronic liver disease or at risk of developing chronic liver disease (e.g. HCV carriers, alcohol abusers),
    - patients awaiting surgery,
    - people whose sexual behavior is conducive to HBV infection,
    - people traveling to places with a prevalence of hepatitis B,
    - newborns of mothers who are HBV carriers,
    - people coming from places with a prevalence of HBV,
    - family members living with persons belonging to any of the above groups and with persons suffering from acute or chronic hepatitis B,
    - employees of the police, firefighters, armed forces, and persons whose nature of work or way of life may be conducive to HBV infection.
  • Age indications:
    Over 16 years of age.
  • Vaccination cycle:
    0 - 1 - 6 months (the second dose should be taken one month after the first, the third six months after the first).
    Accelerated cycle: 0 - 1 - 2 months - 12 months (take the second dose one month after the first, the third two months after the first, and then the fourth 12 months after the first dose).
    Required qualification before each dose.
  • Duration of immunity:
    For life - if the level of antibodies is sufficient there is no need to vaccinate with a booster dose.
  • Vaccination price (one dose): 120zł


To get vaccinated, book an appointment for a medical qualification.
The qualification is valid for 24 hours from the time it is issued.
For information on the vaccines used and to book an appointment, call 81 532 37 11 or register directly.

Hepatitis B vaccine in persons 16 years of age and older.

  • Indications for use:
    The vaccine is intended for non-immunized individuals to obtain immunization against infections caused by all known hepatitis B virus (HBV) subtypes. The groups of people who should be vaccinated are determined by local guidelines.
  • Persons to whom vaccination is especially recommended:
    - medical personnel,
    - staff and chronically ill patients in closed health care facilities,
    - people with chronic liver disease or at risk of developing chronic liver disease (e.g. HCV carriers, alcohol abusers),
    - patients awaiting surgery,
    - people whose sexual behavior is conducive to HBV infection,
    - people traveling to places with a prevalence of hepatitis B,
    - newborns of mothers who are HBV carriers,
    - people coming from places with a prevalence of HBV,
    - family members living with persons belonging to any of the above groups and with persons suffering from acute or chronic hepatitis B,
    - employees of the police, firefighters, armed forces, and persons whose nature of work or way of life may be conducive to HBV infection.
  • Age indications:
    Over 16 years of age.
  • Vaccination cycle:
    0 - 1 - 6 - 12 months (the second dose should be taken one month after the first, the third six months after the first, the fourth 12 months after the first).
    Required qualification before each dose.
  • Vaccination price (one dose): 75zł