
Ultrasound is a high-frequency mechanical vibration. Ultrasound causes a gentle vibratory massage with special effects on the nervous system. The treatments are used to relax tense muscles and tendons, in pain relief therapy, in degenerative diseases and overload conditions of the spine, sacroiliac joints, upper and lower limb rims, in heel spurs, in post-traumatic conditions. Ultrasound accelerates bone fusion and soft tissue healing.

Phonophoresis involves the introduction of a drug through the skin using ultrasound. The therapeutic effect depends on both the effect of ultrasound and the type of drug used. Most often, preparations in the form of a gel are used, which have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic effects and improve blood circulation. The therapeutic effect is identical to that of ultrasound.

A referral is required for the treatments.

Price list

  • Ultrasound:
  • Phonophoresis: